Useful Information
After the funeral has taken place of your loved one, you will find that there are many things left to do.
The following list includes examples of people to inform about the death and of documents and equipment that may have to be amended or returned:
It is not a comprehensive list covering everyone’s individual circumstances.
- The Bank or Building Society – Accounts may need to be closed and any joint accounts need to be amended
- Solicitor/Accountant
- The Inland Revenue
- Housing Executive or landlord
- The Family Doctor, hospital, dentist, chiropodist etc. Any outstanding appointments should be cancelled
- National Health Service Equipment – To be returned
- Any Employer, School, College or University
- Social Services and Social Security Office – Form 36 is needed for the Social Security Office. The Register of Death provides this white form free
- Car Insurance – Documentation will have to be changed as you are not legally insured to drive if the policy is in the Deceased name
- Credit Card Companies – Cancel cards and pay up accounts
- Pension companies / Life Insurance Companies / Financial Advisor / Stockbroker
- Electricity & Telephone Companies
- Hire Purchase companies
- Milkman / Newsagents / Postman
- Pre-booked holidays or events
- Vehicle Registration Documents – To change name of ownership
- Library books and tickets
- Television Licence – To change name or a refund may be issued
- Car Insurance – Documentation will have to be changed as you are not legally insured to drive if the policy is in the Deceased name
Useful inforomation
A death which occurs in Northern Ireland can be registered in any District Registration Office and should be registered within five working days. This is with the exception of deaths which have been referred to the coroner. When registering a death, you will need to take the medical certificate of the cause of death to the Registrar who will ask you for the relevant details for the deceased.
Once the registration is complete, the registar will issue the following forms:
- For GR0 21 giving permission for the body to be buried or for an application for cremation to be made.
- Form 36/BD8, a certificate of Registration of death issued for social security purposes, if the deceased received a State pension or benefits.
There is no cost for registering a death. The only cost will be for Certified Copies of Entry, if required. You’ll be able to purchase Certified Copies of Entry at this time. These will be needed by the executor or administrator when sorting out the deceased person’s affairs.
You may also like to put the death in the local paper if this has not already been done.
Choosing a final resting place, whether for a loved one or for yourself, is an important decision. Once that decision is made, a special monument to mark that space is one of the most personal and unique ways to commemorate an individual, couple or family. A memorial can be as simple or elaborate as you wish.

POLLOCK, ROBERTA ELEANOR MARY Peacefully at Altnagelvin Hospital and late of 20 Grahamstown Road, Castlederg. Dearly beloved wife of the late Duncan, devoted mother of

KEYS, WILLIAM IRWIN Peacefully surrounded by his loving family at his late home, Gardrum, Dromore. Dearly beloved husband of the late Hazel. A devoted father

McFARLAND, (née COLHOUN) MARGARET (DAISY) Peacefully, surrounded by her loving family at 62 Drumnakilly Road, Omagh. Sorely missed and loved by her sons, daughters, grandchildren
Professional and Dignified Funeral service and personalised memorials to leave a lasting memory of your loved one.
Get in touch
Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or enquiries and we’ll get back to you at our earliest convenience.